Kraft Foods - Suffolk Contractor Orientation Program
The following policies and procedures are applicable to all Allfirst and Contract employees and all subcontractors performing work at the Kraft Foods facility located at 245 Culloden Street, Suffolk, Virginia. The purpose of these guidelines is to provide all contractors, subcontractors and their employees (collectively referred to as “contractors”) with a reference for some of the food and employee safety-related issues that may be encountered while working on-site. During the course of employment, contractors may be required to work under different kinds of conditions. It is the responsibility of the contractor foreman and each contractor employee to insure that all contractor employees are provided a safe work area. Food and employee safety and regulatory compliance are each person’s individual responsibility. These guidelines do not, and are not intended to, address every requirement placed upon a company by federal, state, or local safety, health, or environmental regulation. Kraft expects contractors, their employees and subcontractors to be knowledgeable regarding, and comply with, all applicable safety, health, and environmental regulations, including all FDA, OSHA and EPA rules and posted rules & policies within the facility.
General Rules
Contractor parking is provided in the main parking lot. Individuals not following this practice will have their vehicles towed at the owner’s expense. Only construction vehicles approved in advance by Kraft are allowed within the facility’s fence line.
All contractors will be required to provide photo identification and sign in/out upon arrival/departure into the facility. Contractors will be required to be escorted by a Kraft representative on their first day of assignment at the facility.
Any identification that Kraft provides to contractors, such as badges, passes, etc., may only be used by the assigned person. A listing of individuals expected to work on-site must be provided by the contractor to the designated Kraft representative prior to the individual’s arrival at the work site. Contractor identification badges are required to be worn at or below the waist at all times while in the facility. The only exception to this is if the badge cannot be worn due to safety reasons. If this is the case, the contractor is expected to keep the badge on his/her person at all times.
Any security incidents must be reported immediately to Security by dialing 925-3090, or 925-3091.
Possessing or being under the influence of any illegal and/or controlled substance to include alcohol is prohibited at all times while on Company property.
While on Company property, Contractors are expected to abide by all posted Company rules & policies to include but not limited to Employee & Food Safety, Harassment, Discrimination & Workplace Violence. Furthermore, contractors are expected to conduct themselves in a professional and respectful manner at all times.
The Company maintains the right to search all personal property to include but not limited to tool boxes, bags, pursues, etc…brought onto Company property.
The unauthorized possession or use of photographic, video, audio and other recording devices is strictly prohibited while on Company property without prior written approval by designated Plant Management.
A Property Pass or Miscellaneous Shipment Form must accompany removal of any Company property from the facility.
Smoking is not permitted inside the facility and is only permitted in designated areas outside of the facility.
Contractors are expected to report any employee safety, food safety and/or security incident to Plant Management immediately.
Cell phones are not permitted to be carried within the facility however use of the cell phone is restricted to break and/or office areas only. This includes texting.
Food Safety
Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP): Due to the manufacturing and/or distribution of food products, these guidelines must be strictly followed to prevent any potential contamination. This list is not all inclusive. All applicable Good Manufacturing Practices are posted throughout the facility.
No person who is affected with, has been exposed to, or is a carrier of a communicable disease, or who has boils, open sores, infected wounds, or other potential sources of micro-biological contamination will work in any area in which there is a reasonable possibility that (i) food or food ingredients can be contaminated, or (ii) disease can be transmitted from that person to other individuals. The Kraft Quality Manager will make the final decision in all questionable instances.
Facial hair is not permitted, except that a neat mustache, beard, or sideburns are permissible if a beard net is worn that completely covers the beard and/or mustache.
Hair must be neatly groomed. Hairnets are to be worn beneath the ear lobes to completely cover or contain the hair.
No jewelry will be permitted on persons working within the plant (including wedding rings). Shirt and jacket pockets must be kept empty, with all objects such as pens, pencils, notebooks, tools, etc. carried below the waistline.
Smokeless tobacco products, food (candy, chewing gum, throat lozenges, etc.) and beverages will be allowed to be consumed, stored, or disposed of within this facility except in designated areas, such as a cafeteria or break room.
All food brought into the facility must be stored in designated areas & should be completely contained in closed, cleanable/reusable containers. Plastic or paper bags are prohibited for storing lunches.
Minor cuts and injuries where flesh has been exposed must be reported to the Kraft representative. Individuals will be required to protect and keep the wound clean including wearing a Company provided metal detectable adhesive bandage.
Clothing. Suitable clothing will be worn at all times. Shirts that cover the shoulders and upper torso are required. No “muscle” shirts are allowed. Long pants are required. Shorts are not allowed. The appropriate color-coded smock must be worn at all times on the production floor if shirts with buttons are worn.
Polished nails and/or artificial nails are not prohibited on the production floor.
Contractors are not permitted to touch food product or equipment unless authorized to do so.
Contractors must wash and sanitize before entering any GMP area, after breaks to lunch or use of the restroom.
Lubricants & other materials that have direct or incidental product-contact must be an approved food- grade type. All materials must be verified for their approval status based on their intended use.
Any glove used in production areas must be maintained intact, clean and in sanitary condition.
Contractors must follow the established traffic patterns & controls to prevent microbial cross- contamination within the manufacturing site.
Contractors must wear provided Blue Smocks when in areas identified as “RAW” in accordance with the facility’s Raw and Neutral Segregation Policy.
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point System – HAACP is a preventative system used in the food industry to help ensure safety in food products. The basis is to identify potential hazards related with producing and preparing food and to come up with mechanisms to control these hazards. Contractors must comply with the following to prevent extraneous hazards such as metal, glass and hard plastic from contaminating food products.
No contractor work is to be performed during regular production over or adjacent to food contact surfaces.
All aerial lifts shall be free of debris of any kind to insure against extraneous foreign material contamination on food contact surfaces.
It is the Contractor’s responsibility to properly guard the surrounding area when working and to thoroughly clean any area where work is performed.
No contractor work is to be performed during regular production over or adjacent to food contact surfaces.
All aerial lifts shall be free of debris of any kind to insure against extraneous foreign material contamination on food contact surfaces
Allergen Awareness: The body’s immune response is triggered by a particular food, like peanuts. An immune response is a serious reaction – for example, your throat can swell, you can develop hives, you may have difficulty breathing, you can even die. Bottom line: For people with a food allergy, even a small amount of an allergen can create a life-and-death situation.
All contractors can provide a “hideout” for allergens. The following Allergens are utilized in the facility: Peanuts, Tree Nuts, Seeds, Soy, Dairy, Wheat & Sulfites. It is recommended that if you are allergic to peanuts or Tree Nuts, you should refrain from entering the facility without a written doctor’s consent.
The Company will not be liable for any illness, injury or damages incurred by someone who, for medical reasons, should not have entered the facility.
Employee Safety
Emergency Evacuation: In the event that the facility needs to be evacuated for any reason, you will be notified via plant alarm system or plant contact. Follow the directions provided by your foreman or supervisor in exiting the building. All contractor employees must assemble at the closest congregation point as designated by signage following an evacuation. Foremen and supervisors are responsible for accounting for all of their employees and immediately reporting this information to their Kraft representative. If there is a need for evacuating a section of the facility, your foreman or supervisor will direct you. In the event of severe weather, such as hurricanes, tornadoes, or flooding, you will be notified by the site contractor contact or supervisor and directed to proceed to the severe weather congregation point located in the interior of the facility.
Personal Protective Equipment: Safety glasses and hearing protection must be worn in all production areas of the facility. For construction projects, hard hats, safety-toed shoes/boots and safety glasses must be worn at all times. Face shields must be used when grinding, performing overhead drilling or any other jobs, which may pose a hazard to the face. Respirators are to be worn if required. Shoes shall be closed toe, closed heel, and of sturdy construction. Only low heeled, leather/vinyl type shoes are permitted. Steel or composite toe and slip resistant foot protection is required if performing any work in production areas of the facility
Elevated Work and Fall Protection: Use ladders or stairs for access. Straight or extension ladders must be held by another employee, tied-off, or secured at the top in some other acceptable manner. Such ladders must extend at least 3 feet above the upper support.
Fall protection is required for any work performed at heights four feet or more above the lower level. This fall protection can be in the form of standard railing systems, fall arrest systems or other systems that comply with applicable OSHA 1910 and 1926 standards, unless specifically excluded above.
When working within 6 feet of a roof edge or unprotected opening, you must be tied off, unless guardrails/midrails and toe boards or other means of fall protection/arrest are present. If guardrails are not present, warning lines must be established 6 feet from the roof edge. If performing an operation that may pose a hazard from falling objects, contractors must take appropriate action to protect individuals working below. Parapeted roofs must meet the 42-inch railing requirement to be considered adequate fall protection. Wood ladders may not be used in the facility.
Aerial Platforms: Only trained, authorized personnel may operate an aerial lift. A body harness and lanyard attached to the manufacturer’s designated location is required when in the basket. Rented aerial or scissor lifts must be equipped with fall protection lanyard attachments. A pre-use aerial work platform inspection checklist must be completed before using an aerial lift.
Scaffolds: All OSHA standards for scaffolds must be followed. Standard railings must be installed according to OSHA specifications.
Asbestos: This facility may contain asbestos or materials suspected to contain asbestos. You will be notified by your supervisor of any materials containing, or suspected to contain, asbestos in the affected work area. If there are any questions concerning these materials, contact the Kraft project manager or representative prior to conducting any work on, or involving, these materials.
Other Site Specific Information:
Freight Elevators are never to be used to transport personnel. Elevator weight restrictions must be adhered to.
First Aid and Medical Attention: All injuries must be immediately reported to the contractor’s foreman or supervisor, who must then notify the Kraft project manager as soon as possible. For any incident resulting in medical treatment, a copy of the Contractor’s first report of injury must be provided to the Project Manager within 24 hours of the incident. Contractors shall also submit to the Project Manager a written report regarding such occurrences within five (5) days of each occurrence. Any incident resulting in the loss of blood or other potentially infectious material must be addressed by a trained contractor employee or representative.
Use of Kraft Owned Equipment: Kraft owned tools and equipment may not be used by contractors.
Hot Work Operations: During welding, cutting burning or grinding it is necessary to obtain a Kraft Foods Hot Work Permit before any such work can be done. It is also a requirement to quit hot work 30 minutes before the end of a shift to limit any potential fire hazard. A fire watch is required during all hot work, including during breaks and lunch. All permits must be placed in a visible and easily accessible area. All permits must be turned in to the Kraft construction or project manager after each shift. A fully operable fire extinguisher, supplied by the contractor, must be within 35 feet of any hot work area. Plant fire extinguishers cannot be used to meet this requirement. Welding screens must be used when welding in aisles/doorways or other areas where employees may be exposed to a flash. Compressed gas cylinders must be stored in accordance with OSHA standards. Propane must not be stored inside any building. The Kraft construction or project manager must be consulted for the storage of any flammable material. All OSHA requirements for storage of flammable materials must be followed.
Electrical: Contractors are to maintain an electrical safety program appropriate to the level of risk to which their employees are exposed. Contractors must comply with all provisions of NFPA 70E for Arc flash protection.
Ground Fault Protection: All extension cords, power tools, and outlets need to be Ground Fault Circuit Interruption (GFCI) protected and/or part of an Assured Grounding Program. If an Assured Grounding Program is used, a copy of the program and all inspections must be furnished to the Kraft construction or project manager.
Lockout/Tagout: Equipment must be locked out and tagged before any employee performs any servicing or maintenance activities. Contractors must ensure that each employee involved in the lockout procedure is trained as an authorized employee under the OSHA lockout standard.
Power Tools: If tools are damaged or defective, they must be taken out of service immediately. All National Electric Codes must be followed.
Housekeeping/Waste Disposal/Spills: Contractors are responsible for keeping their work area orderly and clean. It is the sole responsibility of Contractors to properly handle and dispose of any and all hazardous materials generated by their work in compliance with all applicable federal, state or local regulations.
Powered Industrial Trucks: All operators must be properly trained and authorized to operate a forklift or other powered industrial trucks. All operators must have been certified within the prior three years. Certification documents must be available for review by the Kraft project manager or representative.
Cranes and Rigging: Only qualified operators/riggers will perform rigging. All cranes must be inspected and daily crane inspection reports must be filled out and copies turned into the Kraft construction or project manager. In addition, pre-lift sheets must be filled out for every lift over 2000 lbs. and copies turned in to the construction or project manager. For all lifts over 1200 lbs., the area directly under the path of the lift must first be evacuated.
Confined Spaces: Confined Space Permits must be completed before entry into any space designated as a permit-required confined space. All existing spaces are identified as such. The contractor is responsible to identify any new spaces that are created during the project. Contractors are responsible to ensure appropriate rescue services are available and coordinated with the location. A pre-entry meeting shall take place between the contractor and the project manager prior to entry.
Hazard Communication: Contractors must maintain a copy of all material safety data sheets (MSDS’s) on-site for all chemical materials brought on-site. Copies of MSDS’s for all Kraft- owned materials can be obtained from the on-site Kraft representative or from the Chemical Control Storeroom Attendants. All chemical containers must be properly labeled as to contents and hazards.
Chemical Management: If any chemicals are released or spilled, the contractor is responsible for taking immediate steps to stop or mitigate the release (e.g. drain blocks, absorbent pigs) clean it up and notify Security. Security will notify the Environmental Control Manager. In addition, the contractor must provide notification of chemical releases to government agencies as required by applicable law and regulation. Contractors must prevent potential or actual contamination of storm water in the conduct of their activities. Contractors are responsible for storing all waste materials they generate in compliance with applicable law and regulation, including universal wastes and other hazardous wastes, used oils and non-hazardous solid wastes. Any such waste materials shall be removed from the premises by the contractor prior to, or immediately following, the completion of work by the contractor.
Excavation/Trenching: Prior to digging, an excavation permit must be completed by a competent person and posted at the job site. All utilities must be located prior to excavation. All OSHA requirements for trench access and shoring must be followed.
Sprinkler System Impairments: The construction manager or a designated Kraft representative must be informed immediately of any impairment made to the sprinkler system or other fire suppression system. These impairments must be reported by the construction or project manager to Factory Mutual prior to shut down.
Safety Meetings: For construction related projects, contractors are to conduct weekly meetings to discuss safety-related issues in the work area. Each contractor employee is required to attend and sign an attendance sheet. Subcontractors’ employees must hold their own weekly meetings and sign attendance sheets, or attend the contractor’s meetings. The Kraft project manager or representative must be notified of the meetings and invited to attend. Copies of the meeting minutes must be forwarded to the Kraft project manager.
Inspections: For all construction related projects, contractors are required to conduct and document weekly inspections of their work and storage areas. Copies of these inspections along with documentation of corrective action must be provided to the Kraft construction or project manager. In addition, contractors shall provide copies of any inspections conducted by outside agencies to the Kraft construction or project manager. The project manager must be invited to participate in all inspections conducted by outside agencies.
Contractor Environmental Orientation
Environmental Concerns: The Kraft Foods Global, Inc. Environmental Policy applies to contractors whose activities may affect the facility’s environmental impacts. This policy states that Kraft will reduce its environmental impacts, which includes pollution prevention and promoting sustainability of natural resources. The policy also commits Kraft to continual improvement of environmental performance and to meeting or exceeding the requirements of applicable environmental laws and regulations. Contractors are expected to conduct their work in accordance with this policy and to discuss any environmental concerns they have with facility management.
Contractor management practices need to be in place to support the intent of the Environmental Policy, including preventing spills and other environmental incidents. If any chemicals are released or spilled, the contractor is responsible for taking immediate steps to stop or mitigate the release, (e.g. drain blocks, absorbent pigs) clean it up and notify the Environmental Manager. The waste materials resulting from a spill must be disposed of properly. In addition, the contractor must provide notification of chemical releases to government agencies as required by applicable law and regulation. Contractors must prevent potential or actual contamination of storm water in the conduct of their activities. Contractors are responsible for storing all waste materials they generate in compliance with applicable laws and regulations, including universal wastes and other hazardous wastes, used oils and non-hazardous solid wastes. The contractor shall remove any such waste materials from the premises prior to, or upon completion of work.